035 - Roger Sparks

Silver Star Recipient Roger Sparks joins Jason in Jacksonville for a raw Episode 035 about resolve and intentions. From his wild upbringing and early struggles with his physical limits, through diverse experiences in the tip of the spear of two military branches pushing his body and mind to aid and train others, Roger’s life focus has been to “grow mentally, physically and spiritually as much as possible.” 

He used early struggles as fuel and with a learned perspective of both being a grunt and then training and leading men in the grey areas of war, Roger shares his stories about the “sex, violence and intimacy” of the military -- not to glorify war, but to understand it. He speaks about how in his 15-year career as a PJ, helping rescue and save others in both Alaska and deployed to Afghanistan, was deeply personal to and tied to saving his own son Oz.

Now as a father and tattoo artist, GORUCK Tribe Cadre and Force Blue volunteer, he seeks to heal others to help heal himself. A gifted storyteller in his own right, author of A Warrior’s Creed, his current project is Backbone, a documentary series which strives to give “a voice to the struggle and hope for better healthcare for military veterans and civilians alike.”


036 - Dr. Doug Kechijian


034 - Dr. Ellen Glasser