030 - Foster Huntington

Foster Huntington is a photographer, film maker, and adventurer who talks to Jason and Emily about creating his life off the beaten path on his own terms.

The focus is on creativity and overcoming obstacles to intentionally choose your course -- along with finding your natural talents -- for Episode 030. Foster recounts his struggles with in formal education, beginning with a dyslexia diagnosis in the 4th grade through finding college just not for him. He found release and relief in the freedom of the outdoors as a kid. He then discovered the “fun” and his innate talents for photography and telling stories visually. 

After a successful internship and 2 year stint with Ralph Lauren, Foster chose to leave NYC and the fashion world for his own created #vanlife -- turning his blogging and book creation into the money to live the life of adventure on the road he wanted. He shares his thoughts about working for big brands at the boom of social media -- he ran the Patagonia instagram account from zero to tens of thousands of followers -- and the rise of “influencers.” Foster is blunt about how that life wasn’t and isn’t for him and the pitfalls he sees with social media now and moving forward. 

Instead of trying to keep one-upping himself, Foster created a home-base in a treehouse, close to family and friends, to pursue his own projects including a new book “Off Grid Life,” stop-motion animation shorts, and a documentary. 



031 - Dr. Stuart McGill


029 - State of GORUCK 2020